One of my favorite healthy oils |
Good ol' flaxseed oil. Hippocrates said, "Let them eat flax!" and for good reason....Learn how you can experience these benefits from this healthy plant oil:
Lower cholesterol levels which may reduce your blood pressure
Lessen your chance for blood clots reducing your risk for heart attack and strokes
Reduce your risk of certain cancers
Help ease constipation
May help treat inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and eczema
May give you healthier hair, skin and nails
One of the main health benefits of this oil is it's a natural source of alpha linolenic acid (ALA), an omega 3 fatty acid. These fatty acids help your body produce cellular membranes and hormone-like substances that affect your brain, eyes and nervous system.
Click here to learn the real benefits of flaxseed oil then come back to this page for more detailed information on specific health conditions listed below:
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Acne - Looking for a natural cure for acne? Learn how to get softer, smoother-looking skin with only 1 tablespoon of this oil per day.
High Cholesterol - Can you reduce high cholesterol with this natural supplement? Read my report before taking this nutritious omega 3 oil.
Does this Oil cause Prostate Cancer? - Recent media reports claim this oil increases your risk for prostate cancer. Here's the real scoop on this controversial subject.
The Budwig Anti-cancer Diet - A German doctor believed eating a diet of cottage cheese and the oil of flaxseeds would help fight cancer. Is this a secret cure for cancer or a medical hoax? Uncover the story on "The Budwig Diet" and see for yourself.
Cancer Research & Flaxseeds - Read the latest research (human and animal studies) using ground flaxseeds and its oil on breast and colon cancers.
Side Effects - Can you use this product if you're pregnant? Is it safe to give to your child? While this is a natural whole food supplement there are some guidelines you should follow to get the most from it. Get all your questions answered here.
Better than Fish Oil? - Is this oil better than fish oil? Find out what researchers learned about both these omega 3 oils and which is better for you.
Capsules and Soft gels - Advantages and disadvantages of using this supplement in soft gels and capsules.
How to Choose the Right Oil - Read my tips to choosing the right kind of oil for maximum health benefits. Learn exactly what to look for and avoid buying low-quality oils.
Buy the Best Oils Here! - Looking for the highest quality oils? Check out this selection of oils from some of the best nutritional supplement companies.