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There are many ways you can lose weight with natural weight loss supplements, including the use of healthy oils.
Why would you want to use a natural product?
You may be concerned about side effects associated with taking certain weight loss drugs such as Meridia or Xenical.
Reported side effects from these prescription drugs can include head aches, diarrhea, high blood pressure and insomnia.
What are natural weight loss supplements?
These are natural products that use herbs or food ingredients that can:
Cause a feeling of fullness, thereby reducing your appetite.
Naturally increase your metabolism to burn more calories.
Delay the conversion of excess carbs into fat
As you know, there are hundreds of different diet products promising to help you lose weight and burn fat. Ideally, you want to use a product that has double-blind, placebo-controlled studies that prove it works.
Study after study has proven the most effective way to safely lose weight is by:
Gradually lowering your caloric intake (while eating a balanced diet).
Getting enough regular exercise to burn off excess calories.
One of the best natural weight loss supplements is fiber. target="_blank">fiber.
Fiber helps sweep out excess waste products from your colon. This allows your digestion system to work more efficiently.
Nutritionists recommend you get at least 25 - 30 grams of fiber per day.
Fiber makes you feel full, reducing your appetite. By eating less and exercising more, you hope to burn more calories than you take in. All this leads to successful weight loss.
And research supports this....
A 12 year study of 74,091 nurses found women with the highest intake of dietary fiber had a 49% lower risk of major weight gain than women who didn't increase their fiber intake.
Eating fiber also helps maintain normal cholesterol levels and supports healthy blood sugar levels. Remember to increase your water intake if you increase your daily intake of fiber.
But what about healthy oils? Can natural oils help you lose weight and improve your overall health?
Did you know that one of the benefits of fish oil is they may help you burn fat faster and reduce your body's ability to store fat?
Latest studies on fish oils and weight loss show participants who took fish oil supplements or ate 3 servings of fish per week lost more weight than individuals on a similar diet without seafood or fish oil supplements.
And results are even better when you add exercise to the mix....
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study concluding that taking fish oils and walking for 3 days a week can reduce body fat levels, lower triglycerides and reduce your risk for heart disease.
Other natural weight loss supplements of interest are virgin coconut oil and hydroxycitric acid (HCA).
Virgin coconut oil has been used by tropical cultures for centuries. It's naturally high in lauric acid, a potent antimicrobial.
Believe it or not, this healthy oil is free of hydrogenated fats and doesn't contain any trans-fatty acids.
One of the many health benefits of coconut oil, is this oil's positive effects on fat metabolism.
It turns out virgin coconut oil is made up of special fats called medium chain triglycerides.
What's so good about medium chain triglycerides? Researchers discovered medium chain triglycerides suppress the accumulation of fat and reduce bodyweight in healthy men and women.
Does this make virgin coconut oil an excellent natural weight loss supplement?
Although there are no published medical studies on coconut oil and weight loss, there are anecdotal reports from people who have successfully lost weight with this tropical oil. Click here to learn more about using coconut oil to lose weight.
Want to learn more about natural weight loss supplements?
On the Next Page, we'll look at more natural weight loss supplements, including a tropical oil that boosts your metabolism and a natural plant extract proven to help you lose weight.