"Are you Enjoying the Skin Benefits of Fish Oils?"
Can you use fish oil to reduce the symptoms of eczema?
Fish oils have been shown to contain essential ingredients your body needs for optimal health and balance. A deficiency in any of these prime ingredients promote an inflammatory environment which may increase your risk for certain types of skin conditions and diseases.
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a skin disease where areas of affected skin may become red, swollen, itchy, and scaly. One of the conditions that may lead to developing these symptoms is excessive skin dryness which may be caused by a deficiency in skin proteins and fatty acid metabolism.
Some common triggers for eczema include:
Exposure to low humidty
Use of soaps or detergents that dry out the skin
Excessive exposure to wetting and drying the skin (ie. sweating or hand washing)
Exposure to allergens or irritants
Not only can these irritated areas of skin be very uncomfortable, patients with eczema may also be at risk for infections if the skin breaks thereby exposing the body to pathogens. Reducing or preventing irritation to the affected areas (chronic scratching or picking at the skin) may help limit the chance for secondary infections.
Treatment may involve avoiding known allergens or irritants, diligent use of skin moisturizers and application of anti-inflammatory or cortocosteroid creams.
Fish oils contain the omega 3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Omega 3 fatty acids are important for maintaining and supporting cellular membranes in every part of your body, as well as playing a role in regulating blood pressure, hormones and neurological function.
One of the most important effects of omega 3 fatty acids is their anti-inflammatory properties. Research has shown omega 3 fatty acids reduce
Due to the inflammatory redness and dryness seen in eczema, is it possible there could be a connection between omega 3 fatty acids in fish oils and
Research shows there are a number of ways your skin benefits from fish oils. In fact, the following study on fish oil and eczema shows the omega 3 fatty acids may help reduce the painful inflammation seen in this disease.
Fish oils may |
Oslo, Norway - Researchers at the University of Oslo gave one hundred and forty five (145) eczema patients 6 grams a day of fish oils or corn oil.
After four months of treatment, researchers saw an improvement in 30% of patients who took fish oil supplements, compared to only 24% of patients taking corn oil. The 'fish oil group' also experienced a significant increase in blood levels of omega 3 fatty acids.
Why did these patients experience an anti-inflammatory effect from the fish oils? Research shows omega 3 fatty acids help your body make chemicals called eicosanoids.
These hormone-like substances help fight inflammation; this is why some health authorities recommend using fish oils to reduce the risk of heart disease.
These anti-inflammatory effects may help your skin benefit from fish oils. Since the symptoms and causes of eczema may vary from one person to another, using fish oils for eczema may offer hope for some individuals.
Dusseldorf, Germany - Some dermatologists believe that improving the skin barrier may help reduce symptoms and exacerbations of eczema and atopic dermatitis.
Scientists at the Clinical and Experimental Photodermatology Department, University of Dusseldorf, experimented to see of a topical application of an omega fatty acid cream (Eucerin Omega Cream), consisting of evening primrose oil and grapeseed oil would reduce eczema outbreaks.
Researchers found the omega cream prevented or reduced eczema from developing, compared to test subjects that didn't receive the cream.
United Kingdom - The development of eczema is reportedly caused by a deficiency in essential fatty acids; leading to inflammation.
Researchers at Laxdale Research, United Kingdom, found a deficiency in essential fatty acids lead to inflammatory skin conditions in both humans and animals.
Subjects with atopic eczema exhibited low metabolism of linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid) leading researchers to believe that there is an inability to convert linoleic acid into gamma linoleic acid (GLA).
Researchers discovered that adminstering GLA to subjects with atopic dermatitis experienced less skin roughness and improved skin condition.
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One way to reduce your eczema symptoms is by keeping your skin healthy and preventing dryness.
And while there are a number of natural skin care remedies you can use to moisturize and fortify your skin, you may be unknowingly exposing your skin and body to man-made chemicals and solvents.
One common ingredient found in many soaps, shampoos and skin cleansers is sodium laurel sulphate (SLS).
This chemical is an industrial degreaser and frequently used in shampoos and liquid soaps to faciliate the removal of grease and to increase the soap's sudsing and foaming action.
Studies show that SLS may cause skin irritation if left on the skin for prolonged periods. For people with sensitive skin or eczema-like skin conditions, the presence of SLS in your soaps and cleanser may irritate your skin.
Treat your skin to |
One way to solve this problem is by using an organic skin care lotion that doesn't contain man-made chemicals.
Treating your sensitive skin to these types of natural organic skin care products may help reduce your symptoms and flare-ups of eczema.
Look for products that are 100% natural and free of parabens, sulphates, petrochemicals and phthalates. The products you choose should be gentle on your skin and cause little to no irritation.
It's recommended you use an organic skin oil that supplies ingredients proven to nourish and support your sensitive skin. Natural ingredients shown to have a positive effect on skin health include cold-pressed wheat germ oil (a powerful antioxidant), almond oil for moisturization and calendula oil for treating dry, cracked inflamed skin.
Dietary supplementation with very long-chain n-3 fatty acids in patients with atopic dermatitis. A double-blind, multicentre study. Institute for Nutrition Research, University of Oslo, Norway, British Journal of Dermatology. 1994 Jun;130(6):757-64
Modulation of atopy patch test reactions by topical treatment of human skin with a fatty acid-rich emollient. Skin Pharmacology and Applied Skin Physiology. 2002 Mar-Apr;15(2):100-4.
Fish again for dinner! The role of fish and other dietary oils in the therapy of skin disease. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 1988 Dec;19(6):1073-80.
Influence of low-dose polyunsaturated fatty acids supplementation on the inflammatory response of healthy adults. Nutrition. 2007 Oct;23(10):724-30.
Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acid constituents of fish oil and the management of skin inflammatory and scaly disorders. World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics. 1991;66:425-35.