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"Fish Oils promote a Healthy Heart!"
If you want to reduce your risk for getting heart disease, you may want to include fish and fish oils in your diet.
Why would you want to include this healthy marine oil in your diet?
Research studies prove fish and fish oils can reduce or prevent your risk for heart disease.
Latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)reports:
"400,000 to 460,000 people die of cardiac disease in an emergency department, or before reaching a hospital, every year...."
The CDC believes these patients represent over 60% of all cardiac deaths. With this high number of unfortunate deaths, you can see how improving your cardiovascular health is important.
Heart disease can be a frightening condition. The increased risk for high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks can be an overwhelming feeling.
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There are many different treatment options for heart disease; they can range from dietary and lifestyle changes, to pharmaceutical drugs and even surgery.
Current research now supports the use of omega 3 fish oil to help reduce or lessen your risk for heart disease and its symptoms.
There's an increasing amount of research on the health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids and their role in reducing and even reversing some of the signs and symptoms of heart disease.
Recent studies on fish oils and heart disease show:
May lessen your risk for irregular heartbeats and sudden death.
May lower your risk for getting blood clots.
Reduce plaque build-up on arterial walls.
May help lower triglyceride levels.
Lead to improvement in arterial health.
Assist in lowering high blood pressure.
Boston - The US Physician's Health Study questioned 20,551 U.S. male physicians, aged 40 to 84 years and free of heart attacks, strokes and cancer about their dietary habits and how often they ate fish.
Fast forward 11 years later and researchers found the men who ate fish at least once a week had the lowest risk for sudden death.
Baseline omega 3 blood tests on men that died for sudden cardiac arrest showed an inverse relationship; in other words, the higher the blood levels of omega 3 fatty acids, the lower the risk for sudden cardiac death.
Researchers also noted that dietary intake of omega 3 fatty acids from seafood also showed a decreased risk of dying from sudden death.
Omega 3 in fish oil may |
Boston - The Harvard School of Public Health conducted The Nurses' Health Study; a broad questionnaire looking at dietary habits and follow-up data in 4 year intervals involving 84,688 nurses, aged 34 to 59, and free of underlying cardiovascular disease and cancer.
After adjusting for age, smoking history and relevant cardiovascular issues, researchers found women eating higher amounts of fish and omega 3 fatty acids resulted in lower risk for coronary heart disease; particularly death from heart disease.
Italy - This published review in the 2006 August Issue of The American Journal of Cardiology looked at four comprehensive studies on omega 3 fatty acids, fish oils and heart disease.
All four studies ranged from 1 to 3.5 years in duration and looked at a number of factors, including:
Reducing fat consumption vs. increased fiber or fish intake.
Comparing 1.08 grams/day fish oil to mustard oil.
Eating a Mediterranean Diet vs. Control group
Comparing 1 gram/day omega 3 fatty acids and 300 mg/day vitamin E; separately and together.
Researchers found a number of compelling results leading to the overwhelming support for omega 3 fatty acids, fish oils and heart disease prevention:
Eating fish or fish oils lead to lower mortality rates than reducing fat intake or increasing fiber.
Consuming 1.08 grams/day of fish oils is better than mustard oil for lowering rates of sudden cardiac death from arrhythmias.
A Mediterranean Diet is more beneficial - 302 test subjects showed a 70% reduction in cardiac mortality. Subjects eating the Mediterranean Diet displayed higher blood levels of omega 3 fatty acids.
One gram/day of omega 3 fatty acids surpasses 300 mg. of Vitamin E for reducing incidence of cardiac death, stroke and sudden death.
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Under guidance of the National Institute of Health, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) looked at the available research on omega 3 fatty acids, fish oils and heart disease and concluded:
"... omega 3 fatty acids, fish and fish oils reduces the risk of sudden death, cardiac death and myocardial infarction from cardiovascular diseases."
"...the evidence is strongest with fish or fish oils, compared to other fatty acids such as alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) from flax seed."
Based on this research, the AHRQ issued a press release confirming the connection between your heart health and fish oils.
The American Heart Association (AMA) recently introduced new guidelines on fish oils and heart disease.
a) Patients without documented coronary cardiac disease:
Eat a variety of fish (preferably fatty fish) at least twice a week.
Include healthy oils and foods rich in alpha-linolenic acid such as flaxseeds, walnuts, canola and soybean oils.
b) Patients with documented coronary cardiac disease:
Consume about 1 gram of EPA and DHA per day, preferably from fatty fish.
Consult your doctor before using any EPA and DHA supplements.
c) Patients who need to lower triglyceride levels:
Take 2 to 4 grams of EPA and DHA per day (provided as capsules) under a physician’s care.
The research shows you can reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke, lower your cholesterol and improve your overall health with fish oils.
Walk into your local health food store and you'll find a wide variety of fish oil supplements. How do you choose the best fish oil supplement that will meet your needs?
Omega RX is a |
According to the latest research, the omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil are what benefits heart disease.
It stands to reason that a purified fish oil product that offers the highest concentration of omega 3 fatty acids per dose will provide the most benefits for reducing your risk for heart disease.
When it comes to fish oils and heart disease prevention, the best supplement should offer potent anti-inflammatory properties and meet stringent laboratory criteria for purity.
The health benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: a review of the evidence. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics. 2007 Jun;20(3):275-85
Fish consumption and risk of sudden cardiac death. Journal of the American Medical Association. 1998 Jan 7;279(1):23-8
Antiarrhythmic effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish Oils and Heart Disease Study. American Journal of Cardiology. 2006 Aug 21;98(4A):50i-60i.
Fish and omega-3 fatty acid intake and risk of coronary heart disease in women. Journal of American Medical Association. 2002 Apr 10;287(14):1815-21
Oily fish reduces plasma triacylglycerols: a primary prevention study in overweight men and women. Nutrition. 2006 Oct;22(10):1012-24.
Anti-arrhythmic properties of omega 3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2007;14(19):2070-80
Clinical trial evidence for the cardioprotective effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish Oils and Heart Disease Study. Current Atherosclerosis Reports. 2001 Mar;3(2):174-9.