Fish Oils and Pregnancy - Page 1 we saw how these healthy oils can have a profound impact on your baby's health.
Here's more research looking at the benefits of taking fish oils during pregnancy.
This study looks at using omega 3 fatty acids to help reduce the risk of allergies and asthma in your child.
Australia - Researchers from the School of Pediatrics and Child Health at the University of Western Australia believe taking fish oils supplements during pregnancy may help prevent some inflammatory conditions from developing.
Health conditions such as asthma and allergies could be triggered by an inflammatory response. The supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids in fish oils may help prevent such inflammatory conditions from appearing in newborn infants.
Los Angeles, California - The Department of Preventative Medicine in University of Southern California conducted a study looking at the types and amounts of fish eaten during pregnancy and the prevalence of asthma in these mothers' children.
Would eating a diet high in fish oils decrease your child's risk for asthma?
The researchers compared diets providing high and low amounts of omega 3 fatty acids and the prevalence of asthma.
Researchers discovered mothers whose diets included high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids reduced their child's risk for asthma. These women ate fatty fish at least once per month during their pregnancies.
Children showed a higher risk for asthma when their mothers ate a diet low in omega 3 fatty acids. These mothers ate low quality omega 3 fatty acids food sources, such as high trans-fat fish sticks during their pregnancies.
Reduced risk for asthma in children born to mothers whose diets were high in omega 3 fatty acids
Increased risk for asthma in children born to mothers' diets low in omega 3 fatty acids
Researchers concluded eating oily fish during pregnancy may offer protection to babies from asthma and other inflammatory health conditions.
Of course, this study doesn't mean if you eat fish sticks your child will get asthma. The study showed a reduced risk for asthma in children if their mothers consumed omega 3 oils during their pregnancies.
The mothers who ate fish sticks had a higher amount of trans-fatty acids in their diet. This, along with a reduced intake of omega 3 fatty acids, may have contributed to an increased risk for asthma in their unborn children.
Looking at the results from this study, it appears that eating oily fish or increasing your take of omega 3 fats during pregnancy may reduce your child's risk for asthma.
While the argument may be strong for the use of fish oils and pregnancy health, there are many other factors to consider for optimal maternal health.
More Fish Oils and Pregnancy Research - How would you like to have a smarter baby?
Go to Page 3 and learn how fish oils may enhance your baby's brain function and growing body.
Does Fish Oil Supplementation in Pregnancy Reduce the Risk of Allergic Disease in Infants? Current Opinion in Allergy & Clinical Immunology. 2005 Jun;5(3):215-21.
Maternal Fish Consumption During Pregnancy and Risk of Early Childhood Asthma. The Journal of Asthma. 2005 Jul-Aug;42.(6):513-8.