Best Fish Oils?
Read this report before buying another bottle....

side effects from fish oils How do you choose the best fish oils?

If you read my Buying Guide to Fish Oils you'll know some of the most important things to consider are the potency and purity of the fish oil. I believe these two factors play a large role in the type of health benefits one can achieve from using fish oil as a nutritional supplement.

Many nutritional supplement manufacturers boast their products meet certain criteria and have been lab-tested. But how can you be sure what you see on the label is what you're actually getting?

Is the fish oil you're buying really been tested for mercury, PCB's, dioxin and other contaminants? And if it has, does it meet safety levels set forth by international health organizations such as the World Health Organization or the Council for Responsible Nutrition?

In some countries, like Canada, the government has begun regulating nutritional supplements with the Natural Health Products Regulation Act. In the United States, the nutritional supplement industry is not yet regulated so it comes down to "Buyer Beware". Fortunately, there exists an organization that tests fish oils and provide the actual test results. While this company is not regulated either, it is one way to help you get the best fish oils. This organization is called The International Fish Oil Standards.

How to Get the Best Fish Oils with This Secret Report

What are the International Fish Oil Standards (IFOS)? The IFOS is a Canadian company who tests omega 3 and whole fish products for PCB's, mercury, heavy metals, and oxidation levels. They publish a report showing the actual test results on fish oil supplements from all over the world. This is something some fish oil manufacturers may not want you to see.

The IFOS uses a third-party laboratory company called Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc. (NDI). This lab has tested thousands of fish oil samples. Its scientific advisory has consulted for some of the biggest names in fish oil manufacturing, distributing and retailing.

Best Fish Oil by IFOS

Dioxin and Furan levels are tested against the World Health Organization�s standards and omega 3 levels are tested and compared with the product's label claim.

Here's a brief summary of the top IFOS Fish Oils that made-the-cut, according to guidelines set forth by the World Health Organization and Council for Responsible Nutrition.

You can also read the complete report at the IFOS website. They offer updated IFOS Fish Oils Reports and you'll find a detailed list of fish oils analyzed, the actual test results and ratings each product received. A fish oil receiving 5 Stars is considered to be some of the best fish oils in the world.

One of the fish oils analyzed by the IFOS that caught my attention is Zone Labs Omega 3 Concentrates, produced by Dr. Barry Sears.

Dr. Sears Fish Oils - One of the Best Fish Oils on the IFOS

Dr. Sears Fish Oil Zone Labs Omega 3 Concentrates

Based on the latest research on the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids and fish oils, Dr. Sears claims to have created a fish oil with the highest concentration of omega 3 fatty acids with a patented anti-inflammatory effect.

Dr. Sears calls these Zone Labs Omega 3 Concentrates.

The information on his website claims that the typical 1000 mg. fish oil capsule will provide only 30% or 300 mg. of EPA and DHA, if not less. The remainder is made up of 'fish filler' and this is considered standard in the industry.

Dr. Sears fish oils provide over 60% omega 3 EPA and DHA - guaranteed by standards set forth by the IFOS. This is up to 2 times stronger than many store-bought fish oils. I was surprised at how highly concentrated these oils are.

best fish oils

When compared on a gram-for-gram basis with other fish oils Dr. Sears believes his product is one of the best fish oil supplements available.

Dr. Sears claims his high potency fish oils will help control inflammation, promote healthier joints and improve heart, brain and immune function.

Click the banner below and learn more about Dr. Sears patented fish oils and how you can benefit from them:

Click Here for Free Information on Dr. Sears Zone Lab Fish Oils:

Dr. Sears Fish Oils

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