How I Made a Website about Healthy Oils...and Why You Need a Website, Too!

me This page is a continuation of my About Me page. When I built this site, I never knew it would have such a positive impact on peoples' lives.

Many people write to thank me for providing this information. It feels really good to read your letters and see how you've benefited from using healthy oils.

I also get a number of emails from people asking questions about this website and Site Build It. The most popular questions ask how I built this site and if they could do the same. Some people come straight out and ask, "How much money do you make with your website and how long did it take?"

The Life Story of My Website:

I always wanted to own my own home-based business. Even though I enjoy my work as a Respiratory Therapist I've always had this entreprenuer inside me itching to get out.

I tried a number of different business opportunities, including network marketing, a mail order book company and even a wholesale specialty merchandise opportunity you may have seen advertised on late-night television. I did manage to make some money in these ventures, but never did recoup my initial expenses in any of them.

Then the Internet came along. I knew deep in my heart this was something different - something I could really grab onto it and achieve success. Unfortunately, there are so many get-rich-quick schemes on the web it can get down right confusing and frustrating for anyone looking for a legitimate business venture. All I wanted was a home-based business that I would enjoy doing and could make money with it.

In 2006 I came across a self-study course called Site Build It (SBI). Site Build It takes you by the hand and shows you step-by-step how to create a successful website. After much thought and research I enrolled in the SBI course in October, 2006.

Right now my website, gets over 30,000 visitors a month. When I first launched my site I was getting only 25 visitors a day, and I must tell you it's exciting to see my traffic grow day by day. Slow and steady is the approach to making solid, measurable steps to success.

I joined Adsense (those Ads by Goooogle you see sprinkled around my site) over a year ago and I'm already averaging about $500 US a month. To me that's a success because I only put a few hours a week into my website due to work and family commitments. And I can increase my income by creating more content which will bring more visitors to my site.

I also make money with links to nutritional supplements and other health-related products. I don't sell these myself. I just show people where they can buy them, and if someone likes a product and buys it, I get a small commission. This is just the beginning and Site Build It provides all the tools and training to help me diversify and make money with my website from a variety of different income streams. It all comes down to what you want to do with your site.

If you're someone that wants to build a website for fun, I think Google Adsense is one of the best ways to make a money without actually selling anything. But there are many other ways you can make money with your own SBI! website. Here's more success stories from other SBI'ers

Yes, there are other ways you could build a Web site. However, making money on the Internet requires more than just having a collection of Web pages. SBI includes all the tools and a proven process you need to build a long-term, profitable e-business.

And you get more than just a "site builder." You don't need to worry about looking for separate hosting, paying for a separate keyword research tool, handling site submissions, integrating autoresponders, etc. See the full list of features here.

SBI is the only product that takes the time to prepare you to build a profitable business, before you jump into building your site. For one thing, your learning curve will be shorter and you'll bypass any show-stopping errors. For those experienced in site-building, SBI deepens your level of understanding. No matter who you are, you are guided all the way until you succeed.

The SBI Action Guide presents a step-by-step process, presented in both written and video formats. All you have to do is follow it. I'm more of a visual learner and found the video formats really helpful. The most successful SBI owners say, "...all I did was follow the Guide." They don't get sidetracked, or have to guess at what to do next. I couldn't agree more with this...SBI's guided approach helps you reach your goals. was established by Dr. Ken Evoy in 1997. His series of books have helped hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs and small businesses. Make Your Content PREsell! and Make Your Words Sell!, formerly books sold by SiteSell, are now free! Download your free copies today! They are literally the dynamic duo of "Web-writing."

Dr. Evoy realized that the average business person needs more than some information in books, no matter how good. S/he needs both the C T P M process and an all-in-one Web site hosting, building and marketing suite of tools that enables them to execute the process flawlessly. To this day, SBI! is unique.

How Much Does It Cost for SBI?

Site Build It has a yearly subscription fee of $299. It works out to less than a $1 a day. Within about one year, I was able to use my Google Adsense earnings to pay for my SBI. Of course Site Build It comes with a money-back guarantee, so there's no risk to try it for yourself. You can test drive it for 30 days and get a full refund if you don't like it. If you register a domain name through Site Build It, you can even keep your new domain for free if you later decide to quit. That's a better than money-back guarantee, since you get a free domain name no matter what. Also, if you decide to quit after 30 days, you can get a pro-rated refund for the unused portion of your subscription... and of course still keep your new domain name too.

Can You Really Build A Successful Website?

Yes you can! Of course it takes a lot more than just pushing a few buttons on your keyboard and waiting for the money to roll in. It does take time, hard work and commitment to make a successful website. But that's all it takes. You don't need to have any technical knowledge about computers or websites.

At the beginning you will have a lot to learn, but this is part of the SBI journey. You'll be guided through the whole process step-by-step. If you're willing to learn and work, you can do this, no matter what your background. It really is that easy. You can do it.

Read what other people have to say about Site Build It:

"My mom became interested in SBI! about a year after I started my first site. Since then she's been working on her own sites which are now bringing in a nice monthly income for her. Many people ask me about how I earn a living. They're all curious... lots of questions and a sparkle in their eye as they think about how they could do it too... and they could! In truth though, most of them don't. So seeing my mom go ahead and create her own success is incredible!"
~ Michelle Schill
Learn more about Michelle's success here...

"I exercised due caution and did some more research first. I asked a few people, I dug around on the internet, and no matter where I looked, I didn't hear a bad word. Everybody said the same thing, "If you build your site with SBI, you will definitely get traffic."
~ B. Bradtke
Check out this SBIer's story here...

"The process is just so logical... Content - Traffic - PREsell - MONETIZE. Starting with content (after all, that's what people search for, so that's where we begin, too). Right from the start, SBI showed us how to brainstorm our idea to find out if it was valid. It helped us choose and register our site name. Then it supplied the tools to create a content rich themed site, which the search engines love."
~ Fiona McCardle/Jim Andrew
Rent a Villa in
Learn more about Fiona and Jim's SBI site here...

"You may not realize it (although I suspect you do), but Site Build It! is much more than "the only all-in-one site-building, site-hosting, and site-marketing product" (I think that's what your site says!). It's actually a "9-to-5 life liberator"."
~ Jerry Mack
Jerry shares his story with you here...

"I sat at my PC and just typed and typed. I knew absolutely nothing about the internet, websites, HTML, or anything... I just typed. The great thing about SBI is that they do all of the hard (and necessary) work for me. That frees up my time to do what I do best and love the most... write, teach, play, and learn."
~ Nick Stubbs
Discover Nick's experience with SBI here...

"I now have a business that I can grow over the years. A business that is fun. I'll never do a 9 to 5. I'll always own my own life. That, more than money, more than learning about the Web, more than anguilla-beaches, more than learning how to write well, that is the most important thing I've learned from SBI!. Own your own life. If you don't, what's the point?"
~ Nori Evoy
Read more about it Nori's story here...

"Now "losing" my wife's $70,000 job is do-able, thanks to SiteBuildIt! By TRUSTING in the process of C.T.P.M. (Content - Traffic - PREsell - Monetize), I have been able to build a growing business as a webmaster."
~ Marc Liron
Here's more exciting details about Marc's SBI story here...

"Thank you again for all you have done to develop Site Build It. It has made a tremendous difference in my life. I have a hand-built site, costing almost nothing, and making $10,000 MORE per MONTH."
~ Dr. John Burch DDS
Find out how Dr. John Burch makes $1000s a month with his SBI site right here...

I hope this answers a few of your questions about Site Build It. I wish you all the success in the world and leave you in the hands of Ken Evoy, the founder of SiteSell and creator of SBI. If you have high speed internet just click on the TV screen below and he'll show you around SBI via SBI TV:

Site Build It 

Successful SBI Sites | Case Studies | Video Tour | Test Drive SBI

P.S.Still have questions about SBI? Want to know exactly how you can fit SBI into your life? You can ask any questions here. Talk to an SBI specialist by phone or email right now and he/she will answer any questions you have.


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