Emu Oil for Crohn's and Digestive Issues

by Eva

Can anyone direct me to research specifically in the ingestion of emu oil for digestive disorders such as IBS, IBD (Cronh's and ulcerative colitis). A relative has severe motility problems (neuronal dysplasia of the intestines) as well as slow emptying of the stomach - medically proven with transit studies. Have trialed this person on 30 mls daily of pure emu oil liquid (not capsules) for 3 weeks. It is helping but I remember a number of years ago there was in depth research on Crohn's. All I seem to be able to find is snippets of info here and there rather than in depth studies. Does anybody remember this? Thanks, Eva M.

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Apr 25, 2010
re: emu oil for crohn's and digestive issues
by: Kevin

Hi Eva,

I couldn't reference any published medical studies on emu oil and Crohn's disease. There is one published animal study using emu oil for treating mucositis, an inflammatory intestinal condition common with chemotherapy.

You may be interested in the use of fish oils for Crohn's disease. A study found 72% of a group of Crohn's patients, taking 3 grams of omega 3 fatty acid fish oils, did not experience relapses in their disease; patient's not taking fish oils experience almost 2.5 times more relapses in their disease.

Oct 06, 2011
Ulcerated Colitis
by: Julie

I saw your request for information regarding Emu oil for ulcerated colitis. I sell pure Emu oil as well as many products made with Emu oil that my husband and I make ourselves. One of our customers has been taking the 1,000 mg capsules, 1 per day and her ulcerated colitis has shown measurable improvement. I have had other customers who have reported improvements with digestive disorders as well. Hope this helps.

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