Neptune Krill Oil and Inflammation

Current research on Neptune Krill Oil and inflammation shows it can reduce inflammation by almost 30%.

One of the principle causes of pain is inflammation. When we look at conditions such as arthritis, and other body tissue diseases, there may be an inflammatory component involved. Traditionally, anti-inflammatory drugs were used to reduce the inflammation. Unfortunately, some of these medications may cause serious side effects.

Can you use Antarctic Neptune Krill Oil to effectively treat pain without any side effects?

Researchers looked at the anti-inflammatory properties of Neptune Krill Oil and made an amazing discover in the field of natural pain relief.

Neptune Antarctic Krill Oil Reduces Inflammation

krill oil pills

Montreal, Canada - Researchers recently completed a study looking at the effectiveness of Neptune Krill Oil (NKO) on C-Reactive Protein (CRP).

What's C-Reactive Protein (CRP)?

CRP is a special protein produced by your liver during stages of acute inflammation. For example, during a 'flare-up' of rheumatoid arthritis, you may see elevated CRP levels in the blood. This indicates there is some level of inflammation occurring in the body.

Other conditions where you might see elevated CRP levels include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Cancer
  • Connective tissue diseases
  • Certain bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections
  • other causes of ongoing inflammation

In this study, researchers conducted a double-blind study using 300 mg. a day of Neptune Krill Oil (NKO), or a placebo, for 30 days to assess the anti-inflammatory potential for NKO.

Results of 300 mg. a day of Neptune Krill Oil show:

  • It significantly reduced inflammation after 7 days.
  • It reduced CRP by 19% after 7 days of treatment.
  • It reduced CRP by 30% after 14 days of treatment.
  • It was more effective than the placebo for reducing CRP levels.

Researchers concluded that 300 mg. a day of Neptune Krill Oil helps reduce inflammation and CRP levels; leading to less pain and discomfort.

The Dangers of Prescription Pain Killers

prescription drugs and painkillers

Treating arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions, usually means taking powerful corticosteroids and/or pain killers.

One of the drawbacks to using these pharmaceuticals is the risk for side effects. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) include Aspirin, Celebrex, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen.

Common side effects associated with NSAID's may include:

  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhea
  • ulceration of the stomach and duodenum
  • bloating
  • heartburn
  • upset stomach

Research on Neptune Krill Oil and inflammation shows it may be an effective treatment for reducing pain.

The above double-blind study indicates a 300 mg. dose of NKO daily may help maintain healthy levels of CRP (C-Reactive Protein); as you already know, CRP is a protein associated with joint health. Adding a high-quality krill oil supplement to your diet may help support sore and stiff joints, while also promoting flexibility.

Research References:

Evaluation of the Effect of NKO on Biomarkers of Chronic Inflammation in vivo. Neptune Krill oil and Inflammation Study. Sampalis T, JSS Medical Research, Inc. June 9, 2004, unpublished.

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