Guide to Buying Coconut Oil

Thinking of Buying Coconut Oil?

I've been using virgin coconut oil for a number of years and have tried a variety of different brands. If this is your first time buying coconut oil, you might be wondering what exactly you should be looking for.

There are many different brands to choose from; each promising their product is the best one to get. Picking the right product may make a big difference in the how much you benefit from it.

Here you'll find some tips and suggestions to help you buy coconut oil and where to get it. You'll find detailed information on the variety of different sizes, prices and where to buy coconut oil.

What to Look for When Buying Coconut Oil:

Is it Certified Organic by USDA standards?

Organic certification lets you know the coconuts were grown as naturally as possible with no pesticides, artificial fertilizers or food additives. If you want 100% natural coconut oil, then this is what you should look for when you buy coconut oil.

Is the coconut oil refined, bleached, or deodorized?

I believe coconut oils that are refined, bleached or deodorized are lower quality oils. The essential fatty acids have been stripped out of the oil during the manufacturing process due to exposure to excessive heat or chemicals.

Were any solvents or chemicals used in making the oil?

Some manufacturers use solvents and chemicals, such as hexane, to 'leech' the oil from the coconut. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to eat an oil made from solvents.

Does the oil contain any hydrogenated fats?

Real virgin coconut oil doesn't contain any hydrogenated fats. Food labeling is getting better these days, so hopefully the oil you're thinking of buying will list all the ingredients in your coconut oil. Read the label to ensure you're not getting these dangerous fats in your oil.

Was it made from fresh coconuts or dried 'copra'?

Dried copra produces a lower quality oil. It has been dried out in the sun for days and is the complete opposite of freshly-made organic virgin coconut oil.

Is it cold-pressed oil?

This is also referred to as Expeller-pressed. This is one of the best ways to make virgin coconut oil since it doesn't use solvents or chemicals to extract the oil from the coconut meat. When buying coconut oil, make sure to look for a product that's cold-pressed.

Is your coconut oil made from real coconut palms, not genetically modified (GMO) crops or hybrids?

Genetically modified foods had their DNA altered through genetic engineering. The controversy over GMO foods and crops usually focuses on its effects on human and environmental safety, our choices as consumers, reducing poverty and environmental conservation.

Was very high heat used in processing?

Exposure to high temperatures during processing can damage the fatty acids in the oil. You want to use an oil that's as close to the way Nature intended with minimal heat damage.

What is the % of Lauric acid?

The higher the amount of lauric acid, the better. Try to buy coconut oil with 50% or more lauric acid, if possible. Look at the ingredient label to see if it lists this ingredient. You may find not all brands list this ingredient, so you'll have to decide if you still want to buy that particular brand.

coconut oil on store shelf

Coconut oil at my local health food store

Sizes and Cost of Virgin Coconut Oil

When buying coconut oil, you'll find it comes in a variety of sizes.

The most common size is 16 oz. jars for $10 - $20.

You can also get large 5 gallon pails for a few hundred dollars.

You will find a variety of different brands offering different sizes and types of coconut oil. The best type to buy is virgin or organic coconut oil that hasn't been exposed to high levels of heat during processing.

Where to Buy Coconut Oil

The best place to get virgin coconut oil is at your local health food and organic food store.

You can also find some really great deals by searching online. One of my favorite ways to get the best price is by comparing the price per ounce; simply divide the price by the number of ounces or grams to calculate how much you're really paying for your coconut oil.

There are a lot of different products all claiming to be the better choice. When it comes to buying a healthy oil, you may find it'll ultimately come down to the price per ounce and the taste of the oil.

Have fun and good luck in finding your perfect coconut oil.

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